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Publications tagged with: Health 135
Authors | Title | ||
Riva,S., Monti,M., & Antonietti,A. (2011) | Simple heuristics in over-the-counter drug choices: A new hint for medical education and practice | View... | |
Riva,S., Monti,M., Iannello,P., & Antonietti,A. (2012) | The representation of risk in routine medical experience: What actions for contemporary health policy? | View... | |
Anderson,B.L., Gigerenzer,G., Parker,S., & Schulkin,J. (2014) | Statistical literacy in obstetricians and gynecologists | View... | |
Gaissmaier,W., Anderson,B.L., & Schulkin,J. (2014) | How do physicians provide statistical information about antidepressants to hypothetical patients? | View... | |
Riva,S., Monti,M., Iannello,P., Pravettoni,G., Schulz,P.J., & Antonietti,A. (2014) | A preliminary mixed-method investigation of trust and hidden signals in medical consultation | View... | |
Sun,B.C., Costantino,G., Barbic,F., Bossi,I., Casazza,G., Dipaola,F., McDermott,D., Quinn,J., Reed,M.J., Sheldon,R.S., Solbiati,M., Thiruganasambandamoorthy,V., Krahn,A.D., Beach,D., Bodemer,N., Brignole,M., Casagranda,I., Duca,P., Falavigna,G., Ippoliti,R., Montano,N., Olshansky,B., Raj,S.R., Ruwald,M.H., Shen,W., Stiell,I., Ungar,A., van Dijk,J.G., van Dijk,N., Wieling,W., & Furlan,R. (2014) | Priorities for emergency department syncope research | View... | |
Arkes,H.R. & Gaissmaier,W. (2012) | Psychological research and the prostate-cancer screening controversy | View... | |
Bachmann,L.M., Gutzwiller,F.S., Puhan,M.A., Steurer,J., Steurer-Stey,C., & Gigerenzer,G. (2007) | Do citizens have minimum medical knowledge? A survey | View... | |
Berg,N. & Gigerenzer,G. (2010) | As-if behavioral economics: Neoclassical economics in disguise? | View... | |
Berg,N. & Murdoch,J. (2008) | Access to grocery stores in Dallas | ||
Betsch,C., Brewer,N.T., Brocard,P., Davies,P., Gaissmaier,W., Haase,N., Leask,J., Renkewitz,F., Renner,B., Reyna,V.F., Rossmann,C., Sachse,K., Schachinger,A., Siegrist,M., & Stryk,M. (2012) | Opportunities and challenges of Web 2.0 for vaccination decisions | View... | |
Bodemer,N., Hanoch,Y., & Katsikopoulos,K.V. (2015) | Heuristics: foundations for a novel approach to medical decision making | View... | |
Bodemer,N., Meder,B., & Gigerenzer,G. (2014) | Communicating relative risk changes with baseline risk: Presentation format and numeracy matter | View... | |
Brighton,H.J., Mata,R., & Wilke,A. (2006) | Reconciling vague and formal models of language evolution | ||
Brown,G.D., Gardner,J., Oswald,A.J., & Qian,J. (2008) | Does wage rank affect employees' well-being? | View... | |
Chambers,S.K., Girgis,A., Occhipinti,S., Hutchison,S., Turner,J., McDowell,M., Mihalopoulos,C., Carter,R., & Dunn,J.C. (2014) | A randomized trial comparing two low-intensity psychological interventions for distressed patients with cancer and their caregivers | View... | |
Cokely,E.T., Galesic,M., Schulz,E., Ghazal,S., & García-Retamero,R. (2012) | Measuring risk literacy: The Berlin Numeracy Test | View... | |
Degond,P., Appert-Rolland,C., Moussaïd,M., Pettré,J., & Theraulaz,G. (2013) | A hierarchy of heuristic-based models of crowd dynamics | View... | |
Demmel,R. & Schrenk,J. (2003) | Sensory evaluation of alcohol-related and neutral stimuli: Psychophysical assessment of stimulus intensity | View... | |
Durand,M.A., Wegwarth,O., Boivin,J., & Elwyn,G. (2012) | Design and usability of heuristic-based deliberation tools for women facing amniocentesis | View... | |
Elmore,J.G. & Gigerenzer,G. (2005a) | Benign breast disease - the risks of communicating risk | View... | |
Elmore,J.G. & Gigerenzer,G. (2005b) | The editorialists reply | View... | |
Feufel,M.A. (2013) | Ein kurzer "Knigge" über den Umgang mit Risiken und Unsicherheit [A short manual on how to deal with risks and uncertainty] | ||
Feufel,M.A., Robinson,F.E., & Shalin,V.L. (2011) | The impact of medical record technologies on collaboration in emergency medicine | View... | |
Feufel,M.A. & Stahl,S.F. (2012) | What do web-use skill differences imply for online health information searches? | View... | |
Filimon,F., Nelson,J.D., Huang,R.S., & Sereno,M.I. (2009) | Multiple parietal reach regions in humans: Cortical representations for visual and proprioceptive feedback during on-line reaching | View... | |
Fischer,J.E., Steiner,F., Zucol,F., Berger,C., Martignon,L., Bossart,W., Altwegg,M., & Nadal,D. (2002) | Use of simple heuristics to target macrolide prescription in children with community-acquired pneumonia | ||
Fraker,S.E., Woodall,W.H., & Mousavi,S. (2008a) | Performance metrics for surveillance schemes | View... | |
Gaissmaier,W. (2011b) | Risk communication: Why we need understandable information | View... | |
Gaissmaier,W. & Gigerenzer,G. (2008) | Statistical illiteracy undermines informed shared decision making | View... | |
Gaissmaier,W., Wegwarth,O., Skopec,D., Müller,A.S., Broschinski,S., & Politi,M.C. (2012) | Numbers can be worth a thousand pictures: Individual differences in understanding graphical and numerical representations of health-related information | View... | |
Galesic,M. & García-Retamero,R. (2010) | Statistical numeracy for health: A cross-cultural comparison with probabilistic national samples | View... | |
Galesic,M. & García-Retamero,R. (2011a) | Communicating consequences of risky behaviors: Life expectancy versus risk of disease | View... | |
Galesic,M. & García-Retamero,R. (2011b) | Do low-numeracy people avoid shared decision making? | View... | |
Galesic,M. & García-Retamero,R. (2011c) | Graph literacy: A cross-cultural comparison | View... | |
Galesic,M. & García-Retamero,R. (2013f) | Using analogies to communicate information about health risks | View... | |
Galesic,M., García-Retamero,R., & Gigerenzer,G. (2009) | Using icon arrays to communicate medical risks: Overcoming low numeracy | View... | |
Galesic,M., Gigerenzer,G., & Straubinger,N. (2009) | Natural frequencies help older adults and people with low numeracy to evaluate medical screening tests | View... | |
García-Retamero,R., Andrade,A.D., Sharit,J., & Ruiz,J.G. (2015) | Is patients' numeracy related to physical and mental health? | View... | |
García-Retamero,R. & Cokely,E.T. (2011) | Effective communication of risks to young adults: Using message framing and visual aids to increase condom use and STD screening | View... | |
García-Retamero,R. & Cokely,E.T. (2012) | Advances in efficient health communication: Promoting prevention and detection of STDs | ||
García-Retamero,R. & Cokely,E.T. (2015a) | Brief messages to promote prevention and detection of sexually transmitted infections | View... | |
García-Retamero,R., Cokely,E.T., & De Bruin,W.B. (2015) | Improving risk communication about sexually transmitted infections: Introduction to the thematic issue. Editorial | View... | |
García-Retamero,R. & Dhami,M.K. (2011) | Pictures speak louder than numbers: On communicating medical risks to immigrants with limited non-native language proficiency | View... | |
García-Retamero,R. & Galesic,M. (2009a) | Communicating treatment risk reduction to people with low numeracy skills: A cross-cultural comparison | View... | |
García-Retamero,R. & Galesic,M. (2010a) | Corrigendum to: "Who profits from visual aids: Overcoming challenges in people's understanding of risks" [Social Science & Medicine, 70 (2010), 1019-1025. doi:10.1016/j.socscimed.2009.11.031] | View... | |
García-Retamero,R. & Galesic,M. (2010b) | How to reduce the effect of framing on messages about health | View... | |
García-Retamero,R. & Galesic,M. (2012) | Doc, what would you do if you were me? On self-other discrepancies in medical decision making | View... | |
García-Retamero,R., Galesic,M., & Gigerenzer,G. (2010) | Do icon arrays help reduce denominator neglect? | View... | |
García-Retamero,R., Galesic,M., & Gigerenzer,G. (2011a) | Cómo favorecer la comprensión y la comunicación de los riesgos sobre la salud [Improving comprehension and communication of risks about health] | View... | |
García-Retamero,R., Okan,Y., & Cokely,E.T. (2012) | Using visual aids to improve communication of risks about health: A review | View... | |
Gaschler,R., Mata,J., Störmer,V.S., Kühnel,A., & Bilalic,M. (2010) | Change detection for new food labels | View... | |
Gigerenzer,G. (2003c) | Why does framing influence judgement? | View... | |
Gigerenzer,G. (2007d) | Helping physicians understand screening tests will improve health care | View... | |
Gigerenzer,G. (2009b) | Making sense of health statistics | View... | |
Gigerenzer,G. (2010d) | Women's perception of the benefit of breast cancer screening: Editorial | View... | |
Gigerenzer,G. (2011f) | What are natural frequencies? Doctors need to find better ways to communicate risk to patients | View... | |
Gigerenzer,G. (2013b) | HIV screening: Helping clinicians make sense of test results to patients. Natural frequencies foster insight and should become part of the training of every medical students and HIV counsellor | View... | |
Gigerenzer,G. (2014b) | How I got started: Teaching physicians and judges risk literacy | View... | |
Gigerenzer,G. (2014d) | Should patients listen to how doctors frame messages? | View... | |
Gigerenzer,G. (2015g) | Towards a paradigm shift in cancer screening: Informed citizens instead of greater participation. Germany aims to stop nudging the public on screening | View... | |
Gigerenzer,G. (in press[c]) | Der mündige Patient | ||
Gigerenzer,G. & Edwards,A. (2003) | Simple tools for understanding risks: From innumeracy to insight | View... | |
Gigerenzer,G., Gaissmaier,W., Kurz-Milcke,E., Schwartz,L.M., & Woloshin,S. (2007) | Helping doctors and patients make sense of health statistics | View... | |
Gigerenzer,G., Gaissmaier,W., Kurz-Milcke,E., Schwartz,L.M., & Woloshin,S. (2009a) | Glaub keiner Statistik, die du nicht verstanden hast | View... | |
Gigerenzer,G., Gaissmaier,W., Kurz-Milcke,E., Schwartz,L.M., & Woloshin,S. (2009b) | Knowing your chances | View... | |
Gigerenzer,G. & Galesic,M. (2012) | Why do single event probabilities confuse patients? Statements of frequency are better for communicating risk | View... | |
Gigerenzer,G. & Hoffrage,U. (1999) | Overcoming difficulties in Bayesian reasoning: A reply to Lewis and Keren (1999) and Mellers and McGraw (1999) | View... | |
Gigerenzer,G., Hoffrage,U., & Ebert,A. (1998) | AIDS counselling for low-risk clients | View... | |
Gigerenzer,G., Mata,J., & Frank,R. (2009) | Public knowledge of benefits of breast and prostate cancer screening in Europe | View... | |
Gigerenzer,G. & Wegwarth,O. (2008) | Risikoabschätzung in der Medizin am Beispiel der Krebsfrüherkennung [Medical risk assessment - Using the example of cancer screening] | View... | |
Gigerenzer,G. & Wegwarth,O. (2013) | Five year survival rates can mislead | View... | |
Hagen,E.H. & Barrett,H.C. (2007) | Perinatal sadness among Shuar women: Support for an evolutionary theory of psychic pain | ||
Hagen,E.H., Barrett,H.C., & Price,M.E. (2006) | Do human parents face a quantity-quality tradeoff? Evidence from a Shuar community | View... | |
Hanoch,Y. (2002b) | Natural frequencies and the representation of risk: Letter to the editor | ||
Hanoch,Y. (2004) | Improving doctor-patient understanding of probability in communicating cancer-screening test findings | View... | |
Hanoch,Y., Katsikopoulos,K.V., Gummerum,M., & Brass,E.P. (2007) | American and German students' knowledge, perceptions, and behaviors with respect to over-the-counter pain relievers | ||
Hanoch,Y. & Pachur,T. (2004) | Nurses as information providers: Facilitating understanding and communication of statistical information | View... | |
Hautz,W.E., Kämmer,J.E., Schauber,S.K., Spies,C.D., & Gaissmaier,W. (2015) | Diagnostic performance by medical students working individually or in teams | View... | |
Heesen,C., Gaissmaier,W., Nguyen,F., Stellmann,J.P., Kasper,J., Köpke,S., Lederer,C., Neuhaus,A., & Daumer,M. (2013) | Prognostic risk estimates of patients with Multiple Sclerosis and their physicians: Comparison to an online analytical risk counseling tool | View... | |
Heesen,C., Kleiter,I., Nguyen,F., Schäffler,N., Kasper,J., Köpke,S., & Gaissmaier,W. (2010) | Risk perception in natalizumab-treated multiple sclerosis patients and their neurologists | View... | |
Hertwig,R., Pachur,T., & Kurzenhäuser,S. (2005) | Judgments of risk frequencies: Tests of possible cognitive mechanisms | View... | |
Hoffrage,U. & Gigerenzer,G. (1998b) | Using natural frequencies to improve diagnostic inferences | View... | |
Hoffrage,U., Kurzenhäuser,S., & Gigerenzer,G. (2000) | Wie kann man die Bedeutung medizinischer Testbefunde besser verstehen und kommunizieren? [How to better understand and communicate medical test results] | View... | |
Hoffrage,U., Kurzenhäuser,S., & Gigerenzer,G. (2001) | Positive Mammographie = Brustkrebs? Von den Schwierigkeiten im Umgang mit statistischen Informationen [Positive mammography = breast cancer? The difficulties of understanding statistical information] | View... | |
Hoffrage,U., Lindsey,S., Hertwig,R., & Gigerenzer,G. (2000) | Communicating statistical information | View... | |
Hoffrage,U., Weber,A., Hertwig,R., & Chase,V.M. (2003) | How to keep children safe in traffic: Find the daredevils early | View... | |
Johnson,J.G., Wilke,A., & Weber,E.U. (2004) | Beyond a trait view of risk taking: A domain-specific scale measuring risk perceptions, expected benefits, and perceived-risk attitudes in German-speaking populations | ||
Katsikopoulos,K.V. (2011d) | Psychological heuristics for making inferences: Definition, performance, and the emerging theory and practice | View... | |
Keller,N., Cokely,E.T., Katsikopoulos,K.V., & Wegwarth,O. (2010) | Naturalistic heuristics for decision making | View... | |
Kurzenhäuser,S. & Hoffrage,U. (2002) | Teaching Bayesian reasoning: An evaluation of a classroom tutorial for medical students | ||
Kurz-Milcke,E., Gigerenzer,G., & Martignon,L. (2008) | Transparency in risk communication: Graphical and analog tools | View... | |
Leathwood,P.D., Richardson,D.P., Sträter,P., Todd,P.M., & Van Trijp,H.C. (2007) | Consumer understanding of nutrition and health claims: Sources of evidence | View... | |
Marewski,J.N., Gaissmaier,W., & Gigerenzer,G. (2010a) | Good judgments do not require complex cognition | View... | |
Marewski,J.N. & Krol,K. (2013) | Fast, frugal, and moral? Towards uncovering the heuristics of mortality | ||
Martignon,L., Katsikopoulos,K.V., & Woike,J.K. (2008) | Categorization with limited resources: A family of simple heuristics | View... | |
Mata,J., Frank,R., & Gigerenzer,G. (2014b) | Symptom recognition of heart attack and stroke in nine European countries: A representative study | View... | |
Mata,J., Lippke,S., Dieckmann,A., & Todd,P.M. (2011) | Meat label information: Effects of separate versus conjoint presentation on product evaluation | View... | |
Mata,J., Todd,P.M., & Lippke,S. (2010) | When weight management lasts: Lower perceived rule complexity increases adherence | View... | |
Moussaïd,M., Brighton,H.J., & Gaissmaier,W. (2015a) | The amplification of risk in experimental diffusion chains | View... | |
Nelson,J.D., McKenzie,C.R., Cottrell,G.W., & Sejnowski,T.J. (2010) | Experience matters: Information acquisition optimizes probability gain | View... | |
Neumeyer-Gromen,A., Bodemer,N., Müller,S.M., & Gigerenzer,G. (2011a) | Ermöglichen Medienberichte und Broschüren informierte Entscheidungen zur Gebärmutterhalskrebsprävention? [Do media reports and public brochures facilitate informed decision making about cervical cancer prevention?] | View... | |
Neumeyer-Gromen,A., Razum,O., Kersten,N., Seidler,A., & Zeeb,H. (2008) | Diesel motor emissions and lung cancer mortality : Results of the second follow-up of a cohort study in potash miners | View... | |
Neuner-Jehle,S., Senn,O., Wegwarth,O., Rosemann,T., & Steurer,J. (2011) | How do family physicians communicate about cardiovascular risk? Frequencies and determinants of different communication formats | View... | |
Norman,G.R., Sherbino,J.D., Dore,K.L., Wood,T.J., Young,M.E., Gaissmaier,W., Kreuger,S., & Monteiro,S.D. (2014) | The etiology of diagnostic errors: A controlled trial of system 1 versus system 2 reasoning | View... | |
Okan,Y., García-Retamero,R., Cokely,E.T., & Maldonado,A. (2012) | Individual differences in graph literacy: Overcoming denominator neglect in risk comprehension | View... | |
Okan,Y., García-Retamero,R., Galesic,M., & Cokely,E.T. (2012) | When higher bars are not larger quantities: On individual differences in the use of spatial information in graph comprehension | View... | |
Prinz,R., Feufel,M.A., Gigerenzer,G., & Wegwarth,O. (2015) | What counselors tell low-risk clients about HIV test performance | View... | |
Rosati,A.G., Stevens,J.R., Hare,B., & Hauser,M.D. (2007) | The evolutionary origins of human patience: Temporal preferences in chimpanzees, bonobos, and human adults | View... | |
Ruggeri,A., Gummerum,M., & Hanoch,Y. (2014) | Braving difficult choices alone: Children's and adolescents' medical decision making | View... | |
Scheibehenne,B., Miesler,L., & Todd,P.M. (2007) | Fast and frugal food choices: Uncovering individual decision heuristics | View... | |
Schneider,T.R., Feufel,M.A., & Berkel,H.J. (2011) | Promoting colorectal cancer screening in public health outreach campaigns | View... | |
Sherbino,J.D., Dore,K.L., Wood,T.J., Young,M.E., Gaissmaier,W., Kreuger,S., & Norman,G.R. (2012) | The relationship between response time and diagnostic accuracy | View... | |
Silberhorn,B. (2010) | Does experts' disclosure of uncertainty necessarily decrease their credibility? | ||
Stastny,J., Konstantinidis,A., Schwarz,M., Rosenthal,N., Vitouch,O., Kasper,S., & Neumeister,A. (2003) | Effects of tryptophan depletion and catecholamine depletion on immune parameters in patients with seasonal affective disorder in remission with light therapy | ||
Steurer,J., Held,U., Schmidt,M., Gigerenzer,G., Tag,B., & Bachmann,L.M. (2009) | Legal concerns trigger prostate-specific antigen testing | View... | |
Sverko,B., Galic,Z., Sersic,D.M., & Galesic,M. (2008) | Unemployed people in search of a job: Reconsidering the role of search behavior | View... | |
Treverna,L.J., Zikmund-Fisher,B.J., Edwards,A., Gaissmaier,W., Galesic,M., Han,P.K., King,J., Lawson,M.L., Linder,S.K., Lipkus,I., Ozanne,E., Peters,E., Timmermans,D., & Woloshin,S. (2013) | Presenting quantitative information about decision outcomes: A risk communication primer for patient decision aid developers | View... | |
Volz,K.G., Schooler,L.J., Schubotz,R.I., Raab,M., Gigerenzer,G., & von Cramon,D.Y. (2006) | Why you think Milan is larger than Modena: Neural correlates of the recognition heuristic | View... | |
von Sydow,M., Hagmayer,Y., Meder,B., & Waldmann,M.R. (2010) | How causal reasoning can bias empirical evidence | View... | |
Wegwarth,O. (2013b) | Statistical illiteracy in residents: What they do not learn today will hurt their patients tomorrow | View... | |
Wegwarth,O. (2014a) | Transparent risk communication in cancer screening: Reveal when it's good and when it's not | View... | |
Wegwarth,O. (2015a) | Cancer survival rates: The CONCORD-2 study | View... | |
Wegwarth,O., Day,R.W., & Gigerenzer,G. (2011) | Decisions on pharmacogenomic tests in the USA and Germany | View... | |
Wegwarth,O., Gaissmaier,W., & Gigerenzer,G. (2009) | Smart strategies for doctors and doctors-in-training: Heuristics in medicine | View... | |
Wegwarth,O., Gaissmaier,W., & Gigerenzer,G. (2011) | Deceiving numbers: Survival rates and their impact on doctors' risk communication | View... | |
Wegwarth,O. & Gigerenzer,G. (2007) | Vom Risiko, Risiken zu kommunizieren [About the risk to communicate risk] | ||
Wegwarth,O. & Gigerenzer,G. (2008b) | A preference does not equate with understanding [Commentary on "Patients prefer pictures to numbers to express cardiovascular benefit from treatment" by F. Goodyear-Smith [et-al], Annals of Family Medicine, 6, 213-217] | View... | |
Wegwarth,O. & Gigerenzer,G. (2011e) | "There is nothing to worry about": Gynecologists' counseling on mammography | View... | |
Wegwarth,O. & Gigerenzer,G. (2013b) | Overdiagnosis and overtreatment: Evaluation of what physicians tell patients about screening harms | View... | |
Wegwarth,O. & Gigerenzer,G. (2014) | Improving evidence-based practices through health literacy - in reply | View... | |
Wegwarth,O., Kurzenhäuser-Carstens,S., & Gigerenzer,G. (2014) | Overcoming the knowledge-behavior gap: The effect of evidence-based HPV vaccination leaflets on understanding, intention, and actual vaccination decision | View... | |
Wegwarth,O., Schwartz,L.M., Woloshin,S., Gaissmaier,W., & Gigerenzer,G. (2012) | Do physicians understand cancer screening statistics? A national survey of primary care physicians in the United States | View... | |
Wilke,A., Hutchinson,J.M., Todd,P.M., & Kruger,D.J. (2006) | Is risk taking used as a cue in mate choice? | View... | |
Zhu,W. & Timmermans,H. (2010b) | Modeling simplifying information processing strategies in conjoint experiments | View... |
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