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Publications tagged with: Risk Communication 29
Authors | Title | ||
Riva,S., Monti,M., Iannello,P., & Antonietti,A. (2012) | The representation of risk in routine medical experience: What actions for contemporary health policy? | View... | |
Gaissmaier,W., Anderson,B.L., & Schulkin,J. (2014) | How do physicians provide statistical information about antidepressants to hypothetical patients? | View... | |
Bodemer,N., Meder,B., & Gigerenzer,G. (2014) | Communicating relative risk changes with baseline risk: Presentation format and numeracy matter | View... | |
Feufel,M.A. (2013) | Ein kurzer "Knigge" über den Umgang mit Risiken und Unsicherheit [A short manual on how to deal with risks and uncertainty] | ||
Gaissmaier,W. (2011b) | Risk communication: Why we need understandable information | View... | |
Gaissmaier,W. & Gigerenzer,G. (2008) | Statistical illiteracy undermines informed shared decision making | View... | |
García-Retamero,R. & Cokely,E.T. (2011) | Effective communication of risks to young adults: Using message framing and visual aids to increase condom use and STD screening | View... | |
García-Retamero,R. & Cokely,E.T. (2012) | Advances in efficient health communication: Promoting prevention and detection of STDs | ||
García-Retamero,R., Cokely,E.T., & De Bruin,W.B. (2015) | Improving risk communication about sexually transmitted infections: Introduction to the thematic issue. Editorial | View... | |
García-Retamero,R. & Dhami,M.K. (2011) | Pictures speak louder than numbers: On communicating medical risks to immigrants with limited non-native language proficiency | View... | |
García-Retamero,R., Galesic,M., & Gigerenzer,G. (2011a) | Cómo favorecer la comprensión y la comunicación de los riesgos sobre la salud [Improving comprehension and communication of risks about health] | View... | |
Gigerenzer,G. (2007d) | Helping physicians understand screening tests will improve health care | View... | |
Gigerenzer,G. (2010d) | Women's perception of the benefit of breast cancer screening: Editorial | View... | |
Gigerenzer,G., Gaissmaier,W., Kurz-Milcke,E., Schwartz,L.M., & Woloshin,S. (2007) | Helping doctors and patients make sense of health statistics | View... | |
Gigerenzer,G., Hertwig,R., Van den Broek,E.M., Fasolo,B., & Katsikopoulos,K.V. (2005) | A 30% chance of rain tomorrow: How does the public understand probabilistic weather forecasts? | View... | |
Gigerenzer,G., Wegwarth,O., & Feufel,M.A. (2010) | Misleading communication of risk | View... | |
Kurz-Milcke,E., Gigerenzer,G., & Martignon,L. (2008) | Transparency in risk communication: Graphical and analog tools | View... | |
Mata,J., Dieckmann,A., & Gigerenzer,G. (2005) | Verständliche Risikokommunikation, leicht gemacht - oder: Wie man verwirrende Wahrscheinlichkeitsangaben vermeidet [Comprehensible risk communication made easy - or: how to avoid confusing probability statements] | View... | |
Moussaïd,M., Brighton,H.J., & Gaissmaier,W. (2015a) | The amplification of risk in experimental diffusion chains | View... | |
Neuner-Jehle,S., Senn,O., Wegwarth,O., Rosemann,T., & Steurer,J. (2011) | How do family physicians communicate about cardiovascular risk? Frequencies and determinants of different communication formats | View... | |
Neuner-Jehle,S., Wegwarth,O., & Steurer,J. (2008) | Sagt ein Bild mehr als tausend Worte? Risikokommunikation in der ärztlichen Praxis. Vor- und Nachteile der unterschiedlichen Methoden [Is one picture worth a thousand words? Risk communication in primary care. Advantages and shortcomings of different methods] | View... | |
Okan,Y., García-Retamero,R., Cokely,E.T., & Maldonado,A. (2012) | Individual differences in graph literacy: Overcoming denominator neglect in risk comprehension | View... | |
Prinz,R., Feufel,M.A., Gigerenzer,G., & Wegwarth,O. (2015) | What counselors tell low-risk clients about HIV test performance | View... | |
Treverna,L.J., Zikmund-Fisher,B.J., Edwards,A., Gaissmaier,W., Galesic,M., Han,P.K., King,J., Lawson,M.L., Linder,S.K., Lipkus,I., Ozanne,E., Peters,E., Timmermans,D., & Woloshin,S. (2013) | Presenting quantitative information about decision outcomes: A risk communication primer for patient decision aid developers | View... | |
Wegwarth,O. (2014a) | Transparent risk communication in cancer screening: Reveal when it's good and when it's not | View... | |
Wegwarth,O., Gaissmaier,W., & Gigerenzer,G. (2011) | Deceiving numbers: Survival rates and their impact on doctors' risk communication | View... | |
Wegwarth,O. & Gigerenzer,G. (2007) | Vom Risiko, Risiken zu kommunizieren [About the risk to communicate risk] | ||
Wegwarth,O. & Gigerenzer,G. (2011e) | "There is nothing to worry about": Gynecologists' counseling on mammography | View... | |
Wegwarth,O., Kurzenhäuser-Carstens,S., & Gigerenzer,G. (2014) | Overcoming the knowledge-behavior gap: The effect of evidence-based HPV vaccination leaflets on understanding, intention, and actual vaccination decision | View... |
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