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Publications with keyword: decisions from experience 17
Authors | Title | ||
Artinger,F., Fleischhut,N., Levati,V., & Stevens,J. (2012) | Cooperation in risky environments: Decisions from experience in a stochastic social dilemma | View... | |
Frey,R., Hertwig,R., & Rieskamp,J. (2014) | Fear shapes information acquisition in decisions from experience | View... | |
Hagmayer,Y. & Meder,B. (2013) | Repeated causal decision making | View... | |
Hertwig,R. (2012a) | The psychology and rationality of decisions from experience | View... | |
Hertwig,R. (2015) | Decisions from experience | ||
Kellen,D., Pachur,T., & Hertwig,R. (2016) | How (in)variant are subjective representations of described and experienced risk and rewards? | View... | |
Lejarraga,T. & Hertwig,R. (2016) | How the threat of losses makes people explore more than the promise of gains | View... | |
Lejarraga,T. & Hertwig,R. (2016) | How the threat of losses makes people explore more than the promise of gains | View... | |
Lejarraga,T., Hertwig,R., & Gonzalez,C. (2012) | How choice ecology influences search in decisions from experience | View... | |
Lejarraga,T., Lejarraga,J., & Gonzalez,C. (2014) | Decisions from experience: How groups and individuals adapt to change | View... | |
Lejarraga,T. & Müller-Trede,J. (2016) | When experience meets description: How dyads integrate experiential and descriptive information in risky decisions | View... | |
Lejarraga,T., Pachur,T., Frey,R., & Hertwig,R. (2016) | Decisions from experience: From monetary to medical gambles | View... | |
Meder,B. & Nelson,J.D. (2012) | Information search with situation-specific reward functions | View... | |
Navarro,D.J., Newell,B.R., & Schulze,C. (2016) | Learning and choosing in an uncertain world: An investigation of the explore-exploit dilemma in static and dynamic environments | View... | |
Pachur,T. & Scheibehenne,B. (2012) | Constructing preference from experience: The endowment effect reflected in external information search | View... | |
Phillips,N., Hertwig,R., Kareev,Y., & Avrahami,J. (2014) | Rivals in the dark: How competition affects information search and choices | View... | |
Wulff,D.U., Hills,T.T., & Hertwig,R. (2015a) | How short- and long-run aspirations impact search and choice in decisions from experience | View... |
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