Publications for Peter M. Todd 106
Authors | Title | ||
Neth,H., Schächtele,S., Duwal,S., & Todd,P.M. (2011) | Competitive mate choice: How need for speed beats quests for quality and harmony | View... | |
Hertwig,R. & Todd,P.M. (2000) | Biases to the left, fallacies to the right: Stuck in the middle with null hypothesis significance testing. Commentary on Krueger on social-bias | View... | |
Todd,P.M., Hertwig,R., & Hoffrage,U. (2016) | Evolutionary cognitive psychology | ||
Pachur,T., Raaijmakers,J.G., Davelaar,E.J., Daw,N.D., Dougherty,M., Hommel,B., Lee,M.D., Polyn,S.M., Ridderinkhof,K.R., Todd,P.M., & Wolfe,J.M. (2012) | Unpacking cognitive search: Mechanisms and processes | ||
Hertwig,R. & Todd,P.M. (2003) | More is not always better: The benefits of cognitive limits | View... | |
Lui,Y., Gigerenzer,G., & Todd,P.M. (2003) | Fast and frugal heuristics: Simple decision rules based on bounded and ecological rationality [Chinese translation] | ||
Marsh,B., Todd,P.M., & Gigerenzer,G. (2004) | Cognitive heuristics: Reasoning the fast and frugal way | View... | |
Todd,P.M. (2004) | The new AI meets the machine musician [Review of the book Machine musicianship] | ||
Hertwig,R. & Todd,P.M. (2002) | Heuristics | ||
Todd,P.M. & Gigerenzer,G. (2003) | Bounding rationality to the world | View... | |
Simao,J. & Todd,P.M. (2003) | Emergent patterns of mate choice in human populations | View... | |
Todd,P.M. & Billari,F.C. (2003) | Population-wide marriage patterns produced by individual mate-search heuristics | ||
Miranda,E.R., Kirby,S., & Todd,P.M. (2003) | On computational models of the evolution of music: From the origins of musical taste to the emergence of grammars | View... | |
Van den Broek,E.M. & Todd,P.M. (2003) | Piep piep piep - ich hab' Dich lieb: Rhythm as an indicator of mate quality | ||
Noble,J. & Todd,P.M. (2002) | Imitation or something simpler? Modelling simple mechanisms for social information processing | ||
Simao,J. & Todd,P.M. (2002b) | The self-organizing nature of mating systems | ||
Todd,P.M. (2002) | Putting some (artificial) life into models of musical creativity (CD-ROM) | ||
Todd,P.M. & Goodie,A.S. (2002) | Testing the ecological rationality of base rate neglect | ||
Simao,J. & Todd,P.M. (2002a) | Modeling mate choice in monogamous mating systems with courtship | ||
Tuci,E., Harvey,I., & Todd,P.M. (2002) | Using a net to catch a mate: Evolving CTRNNs for the Dowry Problem | ||
Hertwig,R. & Todd,P. (2000a) | Biases to the left, fallacies to the right: Stuck in the middle with null hypothesis significance testing. Commentary on Krueger on social-bias | ||
Todd,P.M. & Gigerenzer,G. (2001b) | Shepard's mirrors or Simon's scissors? | View... | |
Todd,P.M. & Kirby,S. (2001) | I like what I know: How recognition-based decisions can structure the environment | ||
Todd,P.M. (2001a) | Fast and frugal heuristics for environmentally bounded minds | ||
Todd,P.M. (2001b) | Heuristics for decision and choice | ||
Todd,P.M. & Gigerenzer,G. (2001a) | Putting naturalistic decision making into the adaptive toolbox [Review of the article Taking stock of naturalistic decision making] | View... | |
Davis,J.N., Todd,P.M., & Bullock,S. (1999) | Environment quality predicts parental provisioning decisions | ||
Davis,J.N. & Todd,P.M. (1999) | Parental investment by simple decision rules | ||
Berretty,P.M., Todd,P.M., & Martignon,L. (1999) | Categorization by elimination: Using few cues to choose | ||
Blythe,P.W., Todd,P.M., & Miller,G.F. (1999) | How motion reveals intention: Categorizing social interactions | ||
Bullock,S., Davis,J.N., & Todd,P.M. (1999) | Simplicity rules the roost: Exploring birdbrain parental investment heuristics | ||
Bullock,S. & Todd,P.M. (1999) | Made to measure: Ecological rationality in structured environments | ||
Todd,P.M., Gigerenzer,G., & the ABC Research Group. (2000) | How can we open up the adaptive toolbox? | ||
Todd,P.M. & Gigerenzer,G. (2000) | Précis of Simple heuristics that make us smart | View... | |
Todd,P.M. (2000) | The ecological rationality of mechanisms evolved to make up minds | ||
Todd,P.M., Fiddick,L., & Krauss,S. (2000) | Ecological rationality and its contents: Discussion | ||
Ketelaar,T. & Todd,P.M. (2001) | Framing our thoughts: Ecological rationality as evolutionary psychology's answer to the frame problem | ||
Simao,J. & Todd,P.M. (2001) | A model of human mate choice with courtship that predicts population patterns | ||
Sadrieh,A., Güth,W., Hammerstein,P., Harnad,S., Hoffrage,U., Kuon,B., Munier,B.R., Todd,P.M., & Warglien,M. (2001) | Is there evidence for an adaptive toolbox? | ||
Noble,J., Todd,P.M., & Tuci,E. (2001) | Explaining social learning of food preferences without aversions: An evolutionary simulation model of Norway rats | ||
Dudey,T. & Todd,P.M. (2001) | Making good decisions with minimal information: Simultaneous and sequential choice | View... | |
Bilotta,E., Miranda,E.R., Pantano,P., & Todd,P.M. (2001) | ALMMA 2001: Proceedings | ||
Griffith,N. & Todd,P.M. (1999) | Musical networks: Parallel distributed perception and performance | ||
Gigerenzer,G., Todd,P.M., & ABC Research Group (1999) | Simple heuristics that make us smart | ||
Gigerenzer,G. & Todd,P.M. (1999) | Fast and frugal heuristics: The adaptive toolbox | View... | |
Todd,P.M. & Miller,G.F. (1999) | From pride and prejudice to persuasion: Satisficing in mate search | ||
Todd,P.M. (1999a) | Evolving musical diversity | ||
Todd,P.M. (1999b) | Reason now and then [Review of the book Within reason] | ||
Todd,P.M. (1999c) | Simple inference heuristics versus complex decision machines: Introduction to special issue | ||
Todd,P.M. (1999d) | Simulating the evolution of musical behavior | ||
Todd,P.M. & Gigerenzer,G. (1999) | What we have learned (so far) | View... | |
Todd,P.M. & Werner,G.M. (1999) | Frankensteinian methods for evolutionary music composition | View... | |
Tuci,E., Noble,J., & Todd,P.M. (1999) | "I'll have what she's having": A simulation analysis of the copying of food preferences in Norway rats | ||
Noble,J. & Todd,P.M. (1999) | Is it really imitation? A review of simple mechanisms in social information gathering | ||
Noble,J., Tuci,E., & Todd,P.M. (1999) | An evolutionary simulation model of social learning about food by Norway rats | ||
Miller,G.F. & Todd,P.M. (1998) | Mate choice turns cognitive | ||
Todd,P.M. & López,A. (1998) | Pulling the trigger on the living kind module | View... | |
Todd,P.M. & Brighton,H.J. (2016) | Building the theory of ecological rationality | View... | |
Pachur,T., Todd,P.M., Gigerenzer,G., Schooler,L.J., & Goldstein,D.G. (2012) | When is the recognition heuristic an adaptive tool? | ||
Hutchinson,J.M., Fanselow,C., & Todd,P.M. (2012) | Car parking as a game between simple heuristics | ||
Gigerenzer,G. & Todd,P.M. (2012) | Ecological rationality: The normative study of heuristics | ||
Todd,P.M., Gigerenzer,G., & the ABC Research Group. (2012) | Ecological rationality: Intelligence in the world | ||
Todd,P.M. & Gigerenzer,G. (2012) | What is ecological rationality? | ||
Mata,J., Lippke,S., Dieckmann,A., & Todd,P.M. (2011) | Meat label information: Effects of separate versus conjoint presentation on product evaluation | View... | |
Pachur,T., Todd,P.M., Gigerenzer,G., Schooler,L.J., & Goldstein,D.G. (2011) | The recognition heuristic: A review of theory and tests | View... | |
Scheibehenne,B., Mata,J., & Todd,P.M. (2011) | Older but not wiser: Predicting a partner's preferences gets worse with age | View... | |
Brighton,H.J. & Todd,P.M. (2009) | Situating rationality: Ecologically rational decision making with simple heuristics | ||
Scheibehenne,B., Greifeneder,R., & Todd,P.M. (2010) | Can there ever be too many options? A meta-analytic review of choice overload | View... | |
Scheibehenne,B., Todd,P.M., & Wansink,B. (2010) | Dining in the dark: The importance of visual cues for food consumption and satiety | View... | |
Mata,J., Todd,P.M., & Lippke,S. (2010) | When weight management lasts: Lower perceived rule complexity increases adherence | View... | |
Scheibehenne,B. & Todd,P.M. (2009) | Introduction to the special issue on assortment structure and choice | View... | |
Todd,P.M. & Gigerenzer,G. (2009) | Bounding rationality to the world | ||
Van den Broek,E.M. & Todd,P.M. (2009) | Evolution of rhythm as an indicator of mate quality | ||
Wilke,A., Hutchinson,J.M., Todd,P.M., & Czienskowski,U. (2009) | Fishing for the right words: Decision rules for human foraging behavior in internal search tasks | View... | |
Scheibehenne,B., Greifeneder,R., & Todd,P.M. (2009) | What moderates the too-much-choice effect? | View... | |
Lenton,A.P., Fasolo,B., & Todd,P.M. (2009) | The relationship between number of potential mates and mating skew in humans | View... | |
Hutchinson,J.M., Wilke,A., & Todd,P.M. (2008) | Patch leaving in humans: Can a gerneralist adapt its rules to dispersal of items across patches? | View... | |
Lenton,A.P., Fasolo,B., & Todd,P.M. (2008) | "Shopping" for a mate: Expected versus experienced preferences in online mate choice | View... | |
Gigerenzer,G. & Todd,P.M. (2008) | Rationality the fast and frugal way: Introduction | View... | |
Scheibehenne,B., Miesler,L., & Todd,P.M. (2007) | Fast and frugal food choices: Uncovering individual decision heuristics | View... | |
Todd,P.M. & Schooler,L.J. (2007) | From disintegrated architectures of cognition to an integrated heuristic toolbox | ||
Todd,P.M., Penke,L., Fasolo,B., & Lenton,A.P. (2007) | Different cognitive processes underlie human mate choices and mate preferences | View... | |
Todd,P.M. & Gigerenzer,G. (2007b) | Mechanisms of ecological rationality: Heuristics and environments that make us smart | View... | |
Todd,P.M. (2007a) | Coevolved cognitive mechanisms in mate search: Making decisions in a decision-shaped world | ||
Todd,P.M. (2007b) | How much information do we need? | View... | |
Todd,P.M. & Gigerenzer,G. (2007a) | Environments that make us smart: Ecological rationality | View... | |
Fasolo,B., McClelland,G.H., & Todd,P.M. (2007b) | Problemi dovuti all'ambiente decisionale | ||
Leathwood,P.D., Richardson,D.P., Sträter,P., Todd,P.M., & Van Trijp,H.C. (2007) | Consumer understanding of nutrition and health claims: Sources of evidence | View... | |
Miranda,E.R. & Todd,P.M. (2007) | Computational evolutionary musicology | ||
Fasolo,B., McClelland,G.H., & Todd,P.M. (2007a) | Escaping the tyranny of choice: When fewer attributes make choice easier | ||
Todd,P.M., Rieskamp,J., & Gigerenzer,G. (2008) | Social heuristics | View... | |
Penke,L., Todd,P.M., Lenton,A.P., & Fasolo,B. (2008) | How self-assessments can guide human mating decisions | ||
Mata,J., Scheibehenne,B., & Todd,P.M. (2008) | Predicting children's meal preferences: How much do parents know? | View... | |
Dieckmann,A. & Todd,P.M. (2005) | Simple ways to construct search orders | ||
Wilke,A., Hutchinson,J.M., & Todd,P.M. (2005) | Testing simple rules for human foraging in patchy environments | ||
Todd,P.M., Billari,F.C., & Simao,J. (2005) | Aggregate age-at-marriage patterns from individual mate-search heuristics | ||
Todd,P.M. & Dieckmann,A. (2005) | Heuristics for ordering cue search in decision making | ||
Todd,P.M., Hertwig,R., & Hoffrage,U. (2005) | Evolutionary cognitive psychology | View... | |
Mata,R., Wilke,A., & Todd,P.M. (2005) | Adding the missing link back into mate choice research | ||
Todd,P.M. & Heuvelink,A. (2006) | Shaping social environments with simple recognition heuristics | ||
Todd,P.M. & Miranda,E.R. (2006) | Putting some (artificial) life into models of musical creativity | ||
Wilke,A., Hutchinson,J.M., Todd,P.M., & Kruger,D.J. (2006) | Is risk taking used as a cue in mate choice? | View... | |
Pachur,T., Wittig,J., Dieckmann,A., & Todd,P.M. (2006) | Kognitive Mechanismen bei der Partnerwahl | ||
Rieskamp,J., Hertwig,R., & Todd,P.M. (2006) | Bounded rationality: Two interpretations from psychology | ||
Rieskamp,J. & Todd,P.M. (2006) | The evolution of cooperative strategies for asymmetric social interactions | View... | |
Barrett,H.C., Todd,P.M., Miller,G.F., & Blythe,P.W. (2005) | Accurate judgments of intention from motion cues alone: A cross-cultural study | View... |