Measuring graph literacy without a test: A brief subjective assessment (2016)


BACKGROUND Visual aids tend to help diverse and vulnerable individuals understand risk communications, as long as these individuals have a basic understanding of graphs (i.e., graph literacy). Tests of objective graph literacy (OGL) can effectively identify individuals with limited skills, highlighting vulnerabilities and facilitating custom-tailored risk communication. However, the administration of these tests can be time-consuming and may evoke negative emotional reactions (e.g., anxiety). OBJECTIVES To evaluate a brief and easy-to-use assessment of subjective graph literacy (SGL) (i.e., self-reported ability to process and use graphically presented information) and to estimate the robustness and validity of the SGL scale and compare it with the leading OGL scale in diverse samples from different cultures. PARTICIPANTS Demographically diverse residents (n = 470) of the United States, young adults (n = 172) and patients (n = 175) from Spain, and surgeons (n = 175) from 48 countries. DESIGN A focus group and 4 studies for instrument development and initial validation (study 1), reliability and convergent and discriminant validity evaluation (study 2), and predictive validity estimation (studies 3 and 4). MEASURES Psychometric properties of the scale. RESULTS In about 1 minute, the SGL scale provides a reliable, robust, and valid assessment of skills and risk communication preferences and evokes fewer negative emotional reactions than the OGL scale. CONCLUSIONS The SGL scale can be suitable for use in clinical research and may be useful as a communication aid in clinical practice. Theoretical mechanisms involved in SGL, emerging applications, limitations, and open questions are discussed.

Bibliographic entry

García-Retamero, R., Cokely, E. T., Ghazal, S., & Joeris, A. (2016). Measuring graph literacy without a test: A brief subjective assessment. Medical Decision Making, 36, 854-867. doi:10.1177/0272989X16655334 (Full text)


Publication year 2016
Document type: Article
Publication status: Published
External URL: View
Keywords: graph literacymedical decision makingnumeracyrisk communicationrisk literacyvisual aids

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