Publications for Henrik Olsson 26
Authors | Title | ||
Olsson,H. & Galesic,M. (2015) | Decision and choice: Heuristics | View... | |
Ruggeri,A., Olsson,H., & Katsikopoulos,K. (2015a) | Opening the cuebox: The information children and young adults generate and rely on when making inferences from memory | View... | |
Olsson,H. (2014) | Measuring overconfidence: Methodological problems and statistical artifacts | View... | |
Massaro,E., Bagnoli,F., Guazzini,A., & Olsson,H. (2014) | A cognitive-inspired algorithm for growing networks | View... | |
Morais,A.S., Schooler,L.J., Olsson,H., & Meder,B. (2014) | From causal models to sound heuristic inference | View... | |
Galesic,M., Olsson,H., & Rieskamp,J. (2013) | False consensus about false consensus | View... | |
Morais,A.S., Olsson,H., & Schooler,L.J. (2013) | Mapping the structure of semantic memory | View... | |
Gigerenzer,G., Fiedler,K., & Olsson,H. (2012) | Rethinking cognitive biases as environmental consequences | ||
Pachur,T. & Olsson,H. (2012a) | Type of learning task impacts performance and strategy selection in decision making | View... | |
Galesic,M., Olsson,H., & Rieskamp,J. (2012) | Social sampling explains apparent biases in judgments of social environments | View... | |
Olsson,H. & Galesic,M. (2011) | History and logic of significance tests | View... | |
Morais,A.S., Olsson,H., & Schooler,L.J. (2011) | Does the structure of causal models predict information search? | ||
Morais,A.S., Olsson,H., & Schooler,L.J. (2010) | Ways of probing situated concepts | View... | |
von Helversen,B., Mata,R., & Olsson,H. (2010) | Do children profit from looking beyond looks? From similarity-based to cue abstraction processes in multiple-cue judgment | View... | |
Brighton,H.J. & Olsson,H. (2009) | Identifying the optimal response is not a necessary step toward explaining function | View... | |
Dhami,M.K. & Olsson,H. (2008) | Evolution of the interpersonal conflict paradigm | View... | |
Karlsson,L., Juslin,P., & Olsson,H. (2008) | Exemplar-based inference in multi-attribute decision making: Contingent, not automatic, strategy shifts? | ||
Juslin,P., Karlsson,L., & Olsson,H. (2008) | Information integration in multiple cue judgment: A division of labor hypothesis | View... | |
Poom,L. & Olsson,H. (2009) | Binding feature dimensions in visual short-term memory | View... | |
Marewski,J.N. & Olsson,H. (2009) | Beyond the null ritual: Formal modeling of psychological processes | View... | |
Karlsson,L., Juslin,P., & Olsson,H. (2007) | Adaptive changes between cue abstraction and exemplar memory in a multiple-cue judgment task with continuous cues | ||
Poom,L., Olsson,H., & Börjesson,E. (2007) | Dissociations between slant-contrast and reversed slant-contrast | View... | |
Nilsson,H., Juslin,P., & Olsson,H. (2008) | Exemplars in the mist: The cognitive substrate of the representativeness heuristic | ||
Olsson,H., Juslin,P., & Winman,A. (2008) | The role of random error in confidence judgment: Reply to Merkle, Sieck, and Van Zandt (2008) | View... | |
Elwin,E., Juslin,P., Olsson,H., & Enkvist,T. (2007) | Constructivist coding: Learning from selective feedback | ||
Ruggeri,A., Olsson,H., & Katsikopoulos,K.V. (2015) | Opening the cuebox: The information children and young adults generate and rely on when making inferences from memory | View... |